This has been brought up many times in chat: Many other sites have regularly scheduled chat events. These events, held anywhere from once a week to once a month, serve as a community building device, a way for members to get to know each other and to drive more users to chat and to the site in general.
Some events other sites have are:
- Project Update Thursday - DIY Stack Exchange (Held weekly)
- SE Game On - Gaming Stack Exchange (Held twice a week)
- Recommendation Chat - Sci Fi Stack Exchange (Held every two weeks)
- Parashat Hashavu'a Chat - Judaism Stack Exchange (Held weekly)
I feel it would be valuble to start a similar chat event here on CogSci. What are some topics we feel would be good to cover? Please list one topic per answer. That way, we can select the highest voted topic each time.
UPDATE: We clearly have a number of people interested in this. Unfortunately I have been so busy with work that I have not been able to lead an event like this myself yet. As the busy season for my business dies down I will be able to find time to help with this. Alternatively, if a member of the community is willing to volunteer to lead the chat, I certainly am available to sit in and make sure a ♦ moderator is present to assist if necessary.