I have no idea why this question, which wasn't closed and had only one down vote, was deleted.
What is the main component of sexual orientation?
From vast reading on the formation of sexual orientation I understand that all researchers, from all "political camps" accept that sexual orientation can have at least one of these expressions:
- Visual
- Odiological
- Tacital (body touch)
- Pheromonal (body odor)
- Lingual (body taste)
I can testify that as a person romato-erotically attracted to women, if I see Muslim girls covered in Hijab (let alone niqab), I usually feel no "sexual arousal" but if I see girls with very long straight black hair , I usually do feel somewhat "sexual arousal";
That brought me to assume that any of the five components of sexual orientation might have sub components and that, humbly, if to be somewhat technical, in regards to the visual component applicable to non blind people,
face and hair
are the most romanto-erotically arousing body organ, by sexual orientation.What is the main component of sexual orientation (by what research tell us)?
Why was my question about sexual orientation reduction got automatically deleted by "community" if it wasn't closed?