In chat, we've talked about how unformed, unsourced questions weaken the utility of CogSci.SE, and how requiring some initial research might improve the general level of questions coming from new users. I would love an off-topic option, and possibly text in Ask A Question, saying something along the lines of
(Off-Topic option)
This question gives no information about what steps the author has taken to answer the question on their own.
(Ask a Question text)
Remember that it is easier for readers to answer your question usefully and appropriately if you show us what steps you have already taken to answer the question on your own or point us to the sources you have used for information.
The only concern I have with this feature would be figuring out what level and source type of initial research "counts"--but personally, I'd be fine with anything at all because even a link to a foolishly-written blog entry would give us a lot of information about sophistication level and perspective.
There seem to be lots of weak questions that don't quite fit under any of our close reasons, either because they are underarticulated or because they make so many assumptions as to beg the question. We need a way to clean up these questions! I'd be interested in hearing whether the community would support this option as I've written it, and/or if there are changes in wording that should be made.