I created this "question" as a resource that we can link to when self-help questions are posted. This is a work in progress. Feel free to edit this question (or its title) or provide an answer.

Do not discuss this question in comments or answers on this page. I want to keep this resource free of clutter. You can discuss this question here: Link list for self-help questions?

To do:

  • write a short introduction about the purpose of this resource
  • *write a general "tutorial" on how to go about finding help, if the country is not listed below

Finding Help

General online resources on finding psychological help

Resources by Country


4 Answers 4


Deutschland / Germany

Psychologische Beratung

Psychologische Beratung hilft bei der Bewältigung von Lebensproblemen psychisch gesunder Menschen.


Psychotherapie hilft bei psychischen Erkrankungen, psychischen Folgen körperlicher Erkrankungen und Problemen der Lebensführung.

  • Just because it's for Germany doesn't mean it should be in German. Commented Feb 8, 2014 at 17:53
  • Just cuz cogsci.SE is in English doesn't mean the specifically German resources should be ;) Commented Feb 8, 2014 at 18:41
  • 3
    Translating what little text there is would lead to an ungainly mix of English text with German organizational names.
    – user3116
    Commented Feb 8, 2014 at 18:47

USA resources

(validity checked by @ChrisRogers Oct. 2021)


US State Suicide Hotlines
Befrienders Worldwide suicide prevention helplines

US National Toll-Free Self Help Telephone Numbers

Finding a therapist or doctor

The Psychologist Locator, a service of the American Psychological Association Practice Organization

The Psychologist Locator makes it easy for you to find practicing psychologists in your local area. Psychologists are trained to help people deal effectively with many of life's problems and can help improve physical and mental health for you and your family. The Psychologist Locator lets you consider many factors in searching for psychologists, including their areas of specialization, gender, insurance accepted, languages spoken and much more.


An online resource featuring psychology-related content across a broad range of healthcare topics and a database of 10,500 licensed credentialed psychologists.

FindaPsychologist.org is a project of the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, a 501 (c)3 nonprofit dedicated to identifying qualified health service psychologists and providing healthcare consumers access to psychologists who meet credentialing quality standards.


Over 15,000 marriage and family therapists are listed in TherapistLocator.net. The therapists are Members of the AAMFT, and as such must meet stringent training and education requirements established by the AAMFT. All AAMFT Members have agreed to abide by the AAMFT Code of Ethics...Therapist Locator will provide you with information about a range of problems facing today's families, and help you search for a qualified family therapist in your area.

WebMD Physician Directory
Top Specialties [include the following relevant specialities

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Endocrinologist
  • Family Physician
  • General Practitioner
  • Neurologist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Pain Management Doctor
  • Pediatrician
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Sleep Specialist


Anxiety and Depression Association of America


General online resources

(validity checked by @ChrisRogers Oct. 2021)

Suicide Hotlines

International (Outside USA)
Befrienders Worldwide

Other Resources


Hopeline's online chat support resources:

The first online network with 100% of its volunteers trained and certified in crisis intervention."

An on-demand emotional health and well-being service. Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through this network."

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Advanced Search page

International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation's Find a Therapist page


Kendra Cherry's articles on online therapy:

Journal Papers on Online Therapy

International Society for Mental Health Online



This is a comprehensive, independent consumer guide to the psychotherapists and counselors who provide services over the Internet. This guide is compiled by consumers, for consumers.

This directory gives you data about each therapists credentials, fees, payment options, services offered, and other relevant facts. But you must actually visit the therapists site for complete information about their services.


UK resources


How to find a therapist

Psychotherapy is not regulated in the same manner as the US, however steps have been made to do the same.

If you wish to find a reputable therapist, make sure you search for one who is registered on any one of the accredited registers with the Professional Standards Authority such as:

Is Your Doctor Registered?

UK National Freephone Suicide Helpline

UK National Freephone Helplines

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