We don't need to be callous when turning people away. There was one instance when a person posted about all their medications and used their full name. The post was flagged for deletion, for the protection of that person's privacy. This person was upset by the lack of assistance, but when people are unwell, sometimes being helpful can be perceived as being unhelpful.
In answer to the question.
I think this is stretching our net of usefulness too far and wide. Our purpose here is not to help people with mental illness, but to offer a resource of scientific information.
This concerns me it is outside of the scope of the site. Stack Exchange has been a Q&A format and offers answers to questions that are on topic for each site. It cannot do everything.
Also, it is hard to refer people to the best organisation for them.. I just see potential pitfalls here, the rigid, self-help questions are not on-topic is a little undermined if we offer a links for organisations offering help with mental illness (or the like).
The added problem is then deciding which organisations which should be linked, as this can be debatable.
Given the site is not out of beta yet, it's not like it's a top resource (yet) and if a person can find their way here to ask a question, they should be capable of finding links to organisations that can help. This also gives me the impression, if a person comes here for self-help advice, perhaps they are trying to circumvent the more appropriate pathways to get help, I'm not sure we should engage in this either way. Just keep our site on topic.
When I worked on a cancer ward in an hospital I would sometimes get phone calls about people inquiring about long term palliative care on the ward (which is not what the hospital was designed for, it was for acute care). It was not unusual for the same person to have tried calling other organisations and the Palliative Care Specialists also, and we would discover this, as we communicated and could see when a person was "care" shopping, or "doctor" shopping for want of a better description.
This leads onto another issue, is, the stigma attached with mental health forces some people to try and get treatment surreptitiously, even by getting access to medication without it being on the record. Hence some people will make inquiries about medications and what substitutes may be suitable. If we keep the site as scientific and on-topic as possible, we will, ultimately, be providing a better resource for the community.
I hope I have linked up my ideas behind my points clearly.