We now and then are faced with users who post questions in which they indicate to have suicidal thoughts, e.g., a user posts 'I'm suffering from X and wish/want/ am going to kill myself'. What do we do?
Steven Jeuris proposed to formulate a meta question and provide an answer there with an appropriate response. I wasn't happy with the idea, as one of our biggest problems are the self-helps, and we do not, in any way, want to leave a message that we're here to help suicidal people to come to terms. However, I'm still open to suggestions and feel free to answer below.
The main danger of leaving these questions open for comments/answers is that other users may make the situation worse, by close-voting, downvoting or providing otherwise negative feedback to a dangerously depressed person. That's why I personally would opt to immediately delete the question. However, doing nothing at all may leave a cry for help alone in the dark.
What to do with posts from suicidal people?