As part of our ongoing efforts to reboot CogSci we agreed on introducing a new close reason to enforce the minimum expected question quality:
We agreed that a lack of initial research is reason for closure. Research, here, is defined broadly; it can also can be a logical train of thought and relevance.
However, being broadly defined there were varying interpretations on what this 'minimum question quality' should be or how to describe it, e.g., dependent on context, initial research, or motivation behind the question.
To make implementing a new close reason concrete and actionable I suggest the following. Each answer to this post should:
- Provide a short label for the new close reason (for referencing/discussion purposes only, this is not shown when a question is closed).
Provide the bullet point text listed as part of the new off-topic close vote reason. For example, see our current 'self-help' close reason.
Provide a short description on how and where the close vote reason draws the line of expected question quality.
- Optionally (but encouraged), link to questions on the site which should be closed or edited when the new close reason would be adopted, and which could stay open but are borderline.
On Aug the 1th we will convene in chat (18:00 GMT) to look at the votes and decide on the one which will be implemented, as well as discuss further steps (changing FAQ, tour, welcome message, attracting new experts, ...).