At present, I think the stack exchange model provides the best infrastructure for building a high-quality question and answer site. In general, I think that if people on the Internet who are looking for a place to ask quality scientific questions on psychology and cognitive science, become aware of the site, they'll tend to see the benefits.
So with that in mind and following on from this previous post about site promotion, I was curious to know what sites, discussion lists, etc, already exist for asking scientific questions about psychology and cognitive science.
- What else is out there?
- What's the level of activity?
- What kind of questions get asked? What type of answers get provided?
A few that I'm aware of:
- Quora: cognitive science, psychology
- There's around 9,000 people following the psychology tag
- In general, there seems to be a wide variety of questions; many, but not all, would be closed on this site for various grounds (unclear, vague, discussion);
- Reddit: cogsci, psychology, academicpsychology
- Mixes links with discussion posts; discussion posts are different to question and answer posts
- Regulation occurs largely through votes
- The main psychology and cogsci subreddits have a huge number of followers (e.g., 40,000+), whereas academicpsychology has around 1,500