Thanks for this.
My thoughts -
- Psychology: My personal preference, as pointed out elsewhere. Good to draw attention from new users (as you indicate is quite essential at this stage), reflects our present scope, it's catchy and probably much easier to find on the SE network than Cognitive Sciences.
- CogSci (i.e. leave as is): probably good to repel self-helps, although the number of self-help questions is already pretty high as it is. In other words, keeping the name for the sakes of scope focus may not be useful anyway. It would be nice to see some stats on the #posts closed based on self-help when Psychology/Psychiatry were still up :) My fear is a little bit that changing our name [back] to Psychology will be drawing in even more self-helps.
- Psych&Neurosci; I am not too happy with this; as pointed out elsewhere. In a nutshell - Neurosci overlaps with Psych and Bio and I consider, and specifically, I consider it to be one of the subdisciplines of Psychology/CogSci and Bio. I think Neurosci should be included in the scope descriptives, but not in the site's name proper. FWIW, At Bio we receive quite a lot of Neurosci questions regardless of the site's name [in fact more than here]. I think we shouldn't be adding sub-disciplines in our site's name to try to lure in more people.
In conclusion: at this stage I would vote to change the site's name to Psychology to increase the audience, or as an alternative to keep the site's name as is (Cognitive Sciences) to repel oftopic posts. I vow against Psych&Neurosci.
I am the newest mod around and I will support Steven, Jeromy & Artem on their views and decisions, as well as other hi-rep users around. I'm just giving my 2-cents